Thursday, March 20, 2008

More pictures from the past...enjoy

I feel absolutely horrible right now because I am still trying to update my blog with pictures from the past. And when I say the past I mean from eons ago. Well, I am going to stop rambling and here is the rest. I will have captions with them also.

This is a picture inside the Madrid train station. Talk about bringing the outdoors inside...literally.

It may be a little difficult to see but there are actually turtles swimming in this pond. Again, this is inside the Madrid train station

Well, welcome to Cordoba. This is a picture outside of the very famous Mezquita. Wait until you see the photos of the inside....breathtaking (as are some of the scenic views of Granada, which will be coming up soon).

Inside the courtyard of the Mezquita. Notice the extreme Arab influence on the architecture. Not only in Cordoba but in most areas in Andalucia, the architecture has a high Arab influence.

The awesome bell tower where people would call the town for prayer.

Inside the Mezquita, and of course the famous view of looking through the line of endless pillars/ archways.

An altar that was gated off. Just look at the intricacy of the detail. Even though the Mezquita was orginally a mosque, it was later turned into a Christian church because of the Spanish Inquistion. Im not exactly sure if it was because of the inquisition, but if it is not then it was something along those lines with "forcing Muslims out a pushing Chrisitanity".

One of the many intricate domes inside the Mezquita. (you will notice that all the architecture in Spain is extremely intricate)

Another type of archway style inside the Mezquita

A good picture showing the mix of Arab and Christian cultures. An altar with a crucfix underneath the Arabic horseshoe arch.

Perfect picture showing the endless rows of columns. I think everybody in the world has seen a picture like this one.

A view of the columns but parallel with them.

If you can see the chrisitanity in the Mezquita after this picture then your obviously not looking at the pictures!!

A very elaborate groin vault in the middle of the Mezquita, where the main Muslim - Chirstian transformation was.

One of the most detailed relics I have ever seen in my life, good lord.

Close up

Interesting statues to be seen in a church!?!?!?

A gorgeous gold cross.

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